Monday, January 4, 2010

New At This

While a Senior in college, at a highly selective university (I guess that makes me proud), and soon to be entering my last semester, I should feel prepared and ready to graduate. While I am ready to get on with my life and find a career already (!), I am new at this. I seem to be new at a lot of things. I have never thought about being a part of this 'blogging' world, however I have a lot of time on my hands and would like to think I am putting my time to good use - I've watched enough movies to last me a while. Speaking of movies, anyone seen Julie and Julia, with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams? Watching this movie really introduced the world of blogging and how it could become a new and different hobby (besides enticing you to eat Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon).

This final long-one full month for those of you working adults-winter break, I have been researching new ways to make a little extra income. I started to get sucked-in to all of those 'paid student surveys' and after some convincing on my parents' end, decided I could probably find something else that requires a little more brain power and a lot less junk mail.

So, here I am, about to start my new Internet 'career'...for the time being (We'll see where this takes me). I have recently created an EzineArticle account and will begin to write articles for $5 a piece. Doesn't seem much, right? Well, I am assuming it all depends on the amount of time and motivation an individual has for the money to start racking up. For me, I have no life at the moment, so I think this might be a good start.

My articles will focus on 'Graduating' and will feature some advice for other seniors out there who are very near the end (Didn't think it was ever going to happen, did you?). My goal here is to provide tips on creating a decent resume, how to dress for an interview, and other aspects aimed towards making the job search as stress-free as possible.

I also hope to provide useful information for all you independent women (sorry guys, this is where my all-girl high school education comes into play) who are working towards making it big in your careers and hoping to become a top position, such as manager or supervisor. I have read a book recently for one of my college courses that really opened up my eyes to a lot that could go on behind the scenes of a business if women do not take the right precautions (each situation is unique, of course).

More ideas will come to me as I begin to write, I'm sure, but for now, this is what I am hoping to make a little money off of, and in return, gain some advice for myself as well as passing some on to others.

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